24 July, 2007

Child Welfare Organization?

Posted in Artsy at 12:57 am by Afoxi

I’ve recently read (and finished) both Q-Ko-Chan mangas. The art was done by Ueda Hajime, the guy who did FLCL, which was the main reason i got it. Well, it’s been a fun ride, and in “my ending”, Q-Ko and Kirio win, AA-Ko escapes, and Q-Ko has to persue her sister alone.

Kirio surprises Q-Ko while she’s daydreaming. This was done on MSN Messenger, so it didnt turn out so great. =P

This one’s VV-Chan. Her nickname is apparently “The Goth Lolita”. She’s actually quite cool and scary at the same time.

I’ll do something about these soon enough. Gosh, this is turning out to be more of an art blog more than a webcomic isn’t it?

13 July, 2007


Posted in Artsy at 3:49 pm by Afoxi

My apologies for the lack of an update, here’s a treat. I promise to get back to drawing comics, i just don’t know when I will.